Help for Students Who Need Food Over the Holidays
FoodFinderGA is a free smartphone app developed by a Georgia Public Schools graduate. It’s available on the Apple App Store or Google Play right now. Search foodfinder, or online at
The app creates a 100-percent anonymous, direct connection between students and families who need food and their closest free food providers.
Both the FoodFinderGA app and the website showed a dramatic increase in use over the Thanksgiving break:
- Thanksgiving week visits to FoodFinder = +496 percent vs. weekly average during this school year to date.
- Average Daily use during Thanksgiving week = +500 percent vs. the daily average this school year.
- Peak usage was Monday November 21, the first full week without school lunch this school year = +1,269 percent vs. daily average.
Please download the app today, and tell your students about it before the Holiday break.
Matt Cordoza
GaDOE Chief Communications Officer
Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director