Would You Jump Without A Parachute?

“Who would jump off a cliff without a parachute? Yet we are asking children across the country to take a leap of faith at school without a parachute or safety net.”

In this lightning talk, Evan St. Lifer, vice president of digital initiatives for Scholastic Library Publishing, explains how the odds are stacked against a majority of Georgia’s students. He also offers some outside-the-ordinary suggestions for how to steer the odds back in favor of our kids’ success.

The problem: Chronic school unpreparedness. “It’s a clunky term,” says St. Lifer. “Bottom line: children in Georgia are chronically unprepared for school.”

Join this discussion to hear more about using the technology that’s already there (and most pervasive among all socio-economic groups) to our advantage. “It’s about nurturing and resiliency,” says St. Lifer. “Kids feeling good about themselves so kids can proceed on task. How will we pull this off?”

Find out…then go back and watch “Reading Rx” to hear from Dr. Jay Berkelhamer how literacy starts at the doctor’s office.


Cliff photo courtesy of David Dixon.