What does this measure?
This is a school-level measure of the percentage of students with less than six days of absences accumulated during the school year in question.
Data Source
Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) Student Records data files
Why is this important?
Research conducted by the GaDOE analyzing student-level data on attendance and achievement found that achievement is impacted beginning at the sixth day of absence—whether excused, unexcused, or suspension—and had a significant impact on both subject-specific test scores and high-school graduation rate.
References and Resources
- Ginsburg, A et al. Absences Add Up: How School Attendance Influences Student Success. Attendance Works, August 2014.
- Attendance Works Interactive Story Map. This map illustrates the findings of a deeper analysis of the national data from the 2013-14 school year described in Preventing Missed Opportunity.