“TCSG understands that children don’t grow up in a vacuum. They live, grow, and learn in families of all descriptions, and many of their parents and caregivers are also TCSG students. The system is committed to supporting Georgia’s youngest citizens in language development and reading proficiency by influencing the family environments in which they live and supporting the adults from whom they learn. Taking a multi-generational approach, TCSG aims to impact the Campaign’s goals through the pillars of access, Language Nutrition, and teacher preparation and effectiveness.”
Martha Ann Todd, President, Columbus Technical College
![Cayanna Good GOSA](https://getgeorgiareading.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Cayanna-Good-GOSA.jpg)
“Strong readers, writers, and communicators are needed in every community of the state. TCSG is a strong supporter of the collective efforts to ensure literate communities across Georgia.”
Dr. Cayanna Good, Assistant Commissioner of Adult Education
The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and Get Georgia Reading are aligned in many ways. TCSG’s mission is to provide technical, academic, and adult education and training focused on building a well-educated, globally competitive workforce for Georgia. TCSG educates those who provide early learning to young children and are the recipients of the well-educated children progressing through the birth – 12 school system. TCSG sees third-grade reading as a significant indicator of future performance on both high-school graduation and college attendance.
TCSG supports the Campaign pillars, providing access to student-centered, high-quality, affordable postsecondary education and training, preparing future teachers and nurses to support children’s literacy development. The early childhood and education (ECCE) and nursing programs at all 22 of TCSG’s technical colleges have curricula that promote and support the pillars. Modules from the Talk With Me Baby curriculum, developed by the Campaign and its partners to prepare nurses and early learning educators to be Language Nutrition coaches in their interactions with parents, are now being integrated into TCSG programs.
TCSG is preparing students in its ECCE programs to work with and teach children from approximately 12 weeks old through elementary education grades. The ECCE students’ curriculum focuses on current and appropriate methods including language development, teaching diverse learning styles, utilizing positive behavior discipline, teaching students of varied ability levels, and more.
Additionally, TCSG aligns with the Campaign’s pillars by supporting community adult and family literacy programs that work to improve the parent/caregiver’s education levels. TCSG’s Office of Adult Education supports 31 programs that provide adult education classes (adult literacy, high school equivalency preparation, ESOL, and/or citizenship classes) in every county in the state.
To learn more about TCSG, visit their website.