“The Deal Center serves as the hub for disseminating research and evidence-based practices aimed at promoting early language and literacy development. Our partnership with the Get Georgia Reading Campaign is critical to ensure our work reaches communities across the state of Georgia to fulfill our vision to propel every Georgia child to read proficiently and beyond.”
Lindee Morgan, Executive Director

Founded in 2017 by the Governor’s office and the state legislature, the Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy’s charge is to improve reading outcomes for Georgia’s children.
Former Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Dunagan Deal made literacy and early childhood education a priority during Governor Deal’s tenure. Housed at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, the Deal Center provides research, professional learning, and community engagement throughout the state.
Through local- and state-level partnerships, the Deal Center promotes a novel approach for a fully transformed birth-through-age-8 system to put all children on the path to reading success.
The Deal Center conducts research and disseminates evidence-based practices in early language and literacy development, effective instruction, and professional development. They also provide evidence-based professional learning for individuals and organizations working with children from birth through age 8.
The Deal Center promotes community engagement by investing in Georgia’s communities by offering research and professional development grants for the advancement of early language and literacy. These monetary awards to community partners equip organizations with knowledge and practices that propel early language and literacy outcomes.
To learn more about the Deal Center, visit their website.