The Georgia Municipal Association and city officials across the state understand the foundational role literacy plays in the creation of vibrant, economically successful cities; the places where we live, work, and play. The Get Georgia Reading Campaign and the four-pillar agenda is a key component to ensuring that Georgia’s children have an opportunity to succeed and to become knowledgeable participants in their city’s civic life.”

Brian Wallace, Director of Strategic Initiatives

The mission of the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) is to anticipate and influence the forces shaping Georgia’s cities and to provide leadership, tools, and services that assist municipal governments in becoming more innovative, effective, and responsive. GMA and Georgia City Solutions, the association’s 501(c)(3), support new and innovative programs, solutions, and research aimed at building vibrant, economically prosperous, and well-managed cities and improving the quality of life of municipal residents in Georgia.

Created in 1933, GMA is the only state organization that represents municipal governments in Georgia. Based in Atlanta, GMA is a voluntary, nonprofit organization that provides legislative advocacy, educational, employee benefit and technical consulting services to its members.

GMA, through GCS, advances the goals of the Get Georgia Reading Campaign by supporting the pillars of Language Nutrition, Access, and Positive Learning Climate. Programs like the Mayor’s Reading Club foster language-rich interactions by engaging mayors and community leaders in reading to children, enhancing vocabulary and comprehension while encouraging a love of books. Through book distributions and literacy events, GCS ensures equitable access to high-quality resources, particularly for children in underserved communities.

By creating opportunities for community engagement, GCS also helps establish safe and nurturing learning environments where children feel supported both emotionally and academically. These efforts not only strengthen community ties but also lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.

To learn more about GMA, visit their website.